

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Goal

In everybody's life, there is always a certain vision about their future..

There's always a certain goal that we want to achieve,

When kids.... we think of the of things we will do after we reach the goal..

When we grow up... we start thinking what we should do to reach the goal...

Somewhere amidst all of this... the goal becomes faded away..

and we just COMPROMISE with life. But the GOAL will always be there at the back of our

minds and we'll always be wanting it through out our lives.

The thing to remember is that,,,

" The Pain of Failure is very very less when compared to the Pain of Regret "

So, always think about the goal, be childlike in your approach, and remember that the

OCEAN of problems lying between YOU and your GOAL... will always be there.

But when u do jump in the OCEAN leaving all your fears behind...

Whether its cold or its raining... You will swim the hell out to reach the GOAL.

"The first plunge is all that matters for the wonderful things that life has in store for you !"

Cheers ;)


  1. Lovely Killed IT Bro.....DOnt stop Dreaming All the best We are there with you.....so ROck!!

  2. Dear,

    Dreams are free, So free your dreams :) Will be expecting more from u.. Dont let me down.. All the Best :) Love Ya.... :)
