

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Goal

In everybody's life, there is always a certain vision about their future..

There's always a certain goal that we want to achieve,

When kids.... we think of the of things we will do after we reach the goal..

When we grow up... we start thinking what we should do to reach the goal...

Somewhere amidst all of this... the goal becomes faded away..

and we just COMPROMISE with life. But the GOAL will always be there at the back of our

minds and we'll always be wanting it through out our lives.

The thing to remember is that,,,

" The Pain of Failure is very very less when compared to the Pain of Regret "

So, always think about the goal, be childlike in your approach, and remember that the

OCEAN of problems lying between YOU and your GOAL... will always be there.

But when u do jump in the OCEAN leaving all your fears behind...

Whether its cold or its raining... You will swim the hell out to reach the GOAL.

"The first plunge is all that matters for the wonderful things that life has in store for you !"

Cheers ;)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Angel X

The Angel X,

This symbolizes that we search our whole life in search of God, 

and all of us always wish for a guardian Angel to take care of us.

I know this sounds very cliche` , but.. 

The Angel lies within.

The power lies within.

God.... lies within.

( Hey ! Its true )

Here... The X in the middle of the angel wings is U! Embrace it !

Cheers ;)

P.S :- Any questions...??? Pls Comment :)


You may have the money, 
you may have the fame,
You may have the courage, 
to win every game, 
without anyone to share with, 
its just not the same.
Avoiding Love,
is such a shame.
So hold my hand,
Take a pledge today, 
which will last until your last day.
Remember that,  From today, 
you'll LOVE your HEART out, 
every single day.

Cheers ;)


Creativity can strike at moments of frustration and irritation.

This was the pic I took when I was sweating like a pig when the power was gone

and I had nothing to do except squash the mosquitos which were biting me !

And Dhan Te Naaaaan !!!! Found this small candle soo interesting in the pitch black night.

So always keeps your mind open, U never know what might come up !!!

God always gives us THE LIGHT in our world of darkness.

Cheers ;)

Saturday, February 19, 2011


This was a pic that i just took in a hurry... and was a total accident... well ... hey, It turned out good man ;)

Cheers ;)

Friday, February 18, 2011

One shade too many

One shade too many,

disguises us every day.

One shade too many,

hides the real face.

One shade too many,

helps us shy away.

One shade too many,

helps to impress chicks everyday !

Cheers ;)

Sometimes.. Its just good to CHILL !

In this busy life, we forget some of the most simplest things...

And that... Those simplest things are most of the time FREE...

Its always healthy to spend some quality time with yourself....

And "CHILL" with no one but U.

Cheers ;)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rusted Away.

The rusted Iron !!!

Iron is soo tough and soo fragile at the same time.

Where a hammer can't break it, drops of water can shatter it.

Life is soo like that... We are soo tough to the outside world but very fragile to the people we love.

If proper care is not taken,,, the iron starts rusting and gets eaten away...

Life too gets rusted if not properly taken care of...

So.. Live life, laugh more, travel often and live your heart out every single day of your life ;)

Cheers :)