

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Escaped The Sinister Trap !!!

This photo is in celebration of me finally quitting Cigarettes....

I had been hooked on to it for 5 whole years....

And after constant support from my girl to quit the habit....

Finally did it on Nov 27th 2011...

And it feels great to have escaped the SINISTER TRAP !!!

To all those out there who are still stuck in this trap, 

Trust me guys... after just a week of not smoking... you will start enjoying not smoking...

All the best to all you guys out there ;-)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Eureka !


Lal Kila



Want to change the world ?

Its such an irony that when we look at small amount of money lying around in our home,

we seldom even bother to pick it up and keep it in a safe place. But when someone asks

some pennies so that they can have food, we think not twice but many a times about

giving it. I am not pro-giving alms to beggars, I do believe in the whole scam behind it.

But, an old man or an old woman, whose children probably ripped them off and

left them to live on their own fate... or might have passed on, and they have no one

who could take care of them...

Well, It does pinch somewhere deep down...  NOW .... Right !!!

Like a wise man once told ----

" How to change the world ?? By doing one random act of kindness.. each day.. Every day "


Love !

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A cloudless night,

Its such a simple sight, but yet... these days.. having a cloudless night is so damn difficult with all the

pollution n all. Even if there is a night like this, we are goddamn busy in our life that we forget to take

that single moment to get absorbed in such a beauty that is soo tranquil and beautiful.

Some of the best things in life are free my friends.

So, next time you observe a cloudless night. Go to your terrace and lie down on your back and just stare

at that beautiful moon and drift away into a world of bliss.



My Nikon-Lens-Mug